Why say NO to foetal calf serum?
Why say NO to foetal calf serum? Production of FBSEvery year up to 800,000 litres of foetal calf serum is produced. Approximately 2 million almost full-term calves must die. It is estimated that in Europe production takes place in about 25 slaughterhouses, but it is thought that there is considerable hidden production – one reason being that slaughterhouses do not provide information on this niche-production. Read more… How is calf serum obtained?A pregnant cow is slaughtered and the living foetus is cut out of her uterus. The calf is moved to a separate area, where a syringe is inserted into the foetus’ beating heart. Via a tube the calf’s blood is pumped by each heartbeat into a bag. As the foetus’ blood is removed, it dies due to the drop in blood pressure and lack of oxygen. The blood coagulates and is then centrifuged so as to remove any