Report on Foetal Calf Serum

Forsøgsdyrenes Værn has written a report on foetal calf serum. If you wish to learn more about the technical and scientific aspects of the manufacture and use of foetal calf serum, or if you wish to know about the available alternatives, then order a copy of the report. To do so, please complete the order form below. The report is written in Danish but contains an English summary.

    Please note that the report refers to scientific research.

    I wish to order a copy of the report on foetal calf serum.



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    Considerable costs are involved in printing material and postage. Forsøgsdyrenes Værn is therefore grateful for any financial contribution. Donations may be sent to the following account: Forsøgsdyrenes Værn, account number 1020838, at Dansk Bank, Erhvervscenter, Copenhagen, bank branch code 9541. Payment may be made by international transfer, mobilbank, Netbank or by sending a cheque or international postal coupons to the desired value. Postal address: Forsøgsdyrenes Værn, Gothersgade 160, 1123 Copenhagen K, Denmark.

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    Help Forsøgsdyrenes Værn to help the most forgotten of all animals – laboratory animals.
    I wish to become a member of Forsøgsdyrenes Værn. Subscription 175 kr. per year.

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    The aim of Forsøgsdyrenes Værn is to bring to an end all animal experiments which cause suffering. Any private person who supports the aims of the Society is eligible for membership (companies, societies or other organisations are not).

    Fields marked * must be completed ønsker at informere om næringsmediet føtalt kalveserum, og hvorfor man som forsker skal erstatte produktet med et kemisk-defineret næringsmedie. Vi håber, at du vil gennemlæse de enkelte afsnit og se, at der findes indlysende både dyreetiske og videnskabelige grunde til at gå bort fra føtalt kalveserum (forkortet FBS – Fetal Bovine Serum eller FCS – Fetal Calf Serum).

    Bag står Landsforeningen Forsøgsdyrenes Værn og Alternativfondet. Begge arbejder for at hjælpe de mest glemte af alle dyr – forsøgsdyrene.
    Foreningen og Fondet går sammen om at støtte forskning, der kan erstatte dyreforsøg med andre metoder.